mona petersson

“Det där klarar jag av med en flugsmälla” (“I can handle that with a flyswatter”) was part of Interface, the Baltic Biennale for Sound Art.

The exhibition describes the condition of places from an environmental perspective. Seven videos focus on a plant, animal or a phenomenon from the perspective of its habitat, such as it being the only place, the last place or the wrong place. Six videos are shown on a thick TV and one is projected onto a wall. All videos have sound that together form a soft background noise, (see WORK-VIDEO). Textile objects are displayed in two glass cabinets. Posters have been put up in the streets of Malmö and Ystad.

Mona Petersson works with various means of expression; video, sound art and text works, which are often displayed in an installation context. The events she wants to grasp may include humans and nature, but she finds them where least expected. It’s like she finds significance in an overlooked corner. Her works are often dualistic, contradicting the familiar on one hand and the unexpected on the other. For example, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The commonplace is turned upside down to reveal something new. A discovery.

Thomas Millroth, Museum Director.

Of course, I dive headfirst into it when I’m here. In Mona Peterson’s videos at the exhibition Little Hare’s Bite (Lilla Harens Bett) at ID:I. Places reclaimed by nature, or humans who deforest. But told in such a poetic and understated way. You go from chapter to chapter, turning around an invisible theme – the exhibition’s secret. Maybe it’s hidden in the big white balloon in the first room. So. Tjärhovsgatan “is the Place” as Sun Ra might have put it… Or old Topsy Lindblom, IF anyone still remembers him, Street Tjärhovs….

It awakens dreams and thoughts about the state of art today. Documenta was permeated by the same feeling I had yesterday. It is something that transcends the blown up and heavily loaded, straight into the heart of art. That which lives in a simple action, event, drawing or deeply moving video installation. Threads like these are used to weave dreams. Actually.”

Thomas Millroth, Bright Blog, 2007.

Click on the images for materials and techniques.

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